Bedforms and Cross-Bedding in Animation

I spent two years working as a Geologist at the USGS in Santa Cruz, CA.  Bedforms and Cross-Bedding in Animation by David M. Rubin and myself is a college-level textbook on sediment transport processes.  It’s available for purchase here or you can play with the online, interactive exploration tool via the USGS Bedform Sedimentology Site. If you are so inclined, Rubin and Carter, 2005 includes our downloadable MATLAB code to create...

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Bedrock Channel Evolution: Field Constraints and Physical Modeling

For my MS thesis in Earth Science I studied the evolution of bedrock channels and the fluid mechanics of bedrock erosion by abrasion in the slot canyons of the southwest United States. Abrasion-dominated fluvial erosion generates slot canyons with intricately undulating wall morphology. Flows in slot canyons are unusual in that the walls comprise a significant portion of the wetted perimeter of the flow. Translation: Most rivers are much wider...

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Subglacial environment inferred from bedrock-coating siltskins

The landscape revealed by retreating glaciers provides evidence, much of it ephemeral, for subglacial processes that are difficult to observe directly. Glaciers that thin over rough bedrock surfaces continue to slide by regelation as adjacent subsurface cavity systems develop and enlarge. Subglacial deposits, including the cemented coatings we describe here, provide insight into subglacial conditions. Rock-coating, carbonate-cemented lithic...

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Observational Evidence of Increases in Freshwater Inflow to the Arctic Ocean

We demonstrate that the glacier net inflow to the Arctic Ocean, specifically the net glacier volume loss, has been comparable to the combined river net inflow from the largest panarctic rivers. [issuu showflipbtn=true documentid=101121155732-2056711f207a4fcb949d2c694400ee59 docname=dyurgerov_carter_glaciermassbalance username=snowflyzone...

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